They will explain to you how the special measure(s) will be used at court.The Office’s Victim and Witness Coordinator provides important services to victims and witnesses of federal crimes, including providing information about compensation for expenses and court-ordered restitution. If a special measure application has been granted, you will be told by the prosecutor. The judge at that hearing will decide whether you should be allowed to use special measures in court. If you are eligible, they will make an application to the court. If your case is passed to the Public Prosecution Service (PPS), and you become a prosecution witness, the prosecutor will consider applying for special measures to help you when giving evidence in court.

a video recorded interview with you before the trial to be admitted by the court as your evidence - a live link or screen can be used when you are cross-examined by the defence.judges and barristers removing their wigs and gowns in the Crown Court to make the proceedings seem less intimidating.giving evidence in private - members of the public and the press can be excluded from the court in some cases.
Trained volunteers and staff from the services provide a free and confidential service including: The Witness Service and the Young Witness Service are available in all courts.īoth witness services normally phone or write to witnesses before the court hearing to offer their services if you have given consent for your details to be passed on. one for witnesses under the age of 18 (the Young Witness Service), run by the NSPCC.one for adult witnesses, run by Victim Support NI (the Witness Service).There are two types of witness service available: The aim of witness services is to help prosecution witnesses, and their families and friends, to deal with the experience of going to court and giving evidence. If you are a victim or witness for the prosecution, witness services will be available before, during and after the trial to make sure that you are well informed and supported.